Farm For Good - Savoir Faire Digital

Farm For Good

The food system of tomorrow

Farm For Good helps farmers collectively succeed in their agroecological transition by providing step-by-step guidance on their technical journey and supporting supply chains that offer fair compensation for their products.

Photos © lws production – Illustrations © Judith Dufaux.

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Convey values through an energetic and inspiring brand image.

This project requires a dual identity approach: one part focuses on crafting a distinctive identity for farm support services and the cooperative, and the other on developing a unique label for products emerging from agroecological transition initiatives. Despite their differing visibility needs, these elements must remain tightly interwoven. The proposed graphic system includes a typographic logo for “Farm for Good,” complemented by a pin icon label featuring a hyper-stylized field motif. The entire design is brought to life with vibrant, organic colors that exude energy and sustainability.


A playful yet grounded visual identity.

To ensure a sense of simplicity and make the information accessible, we collaborated with an illustrator. We complement these illustrations with photojournalistic images of farms and portraits of farmers, grounding the entire project in a tangible reality.

Connecting Consumers with Producers

To personalize the producers behind products from transitioning agriculture, we’ve implemented a QR code system on the packaging. With a simple scan on their phone, consumers can access the farmer’s profile on Farm For Good website, featuring an introduction video, geographic location, and the agricultural practices used in their transition efforts.

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